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- Naturalization application for foreigners in Brazil
Ordinary or Regular Naturalization (art. 65, law 13445/17) -It depends on the will of the government and the convenience of the act. -You must have at least four years of residence, or one year for foreigners from Portuguese-speaking countries. -You must be at least 18 years old -You must have some understanding of the Portuguese language -No pending criminal convictions. Extraordinary Naturalization (art. 67, law 13445/17) -It depends on the desire of the foreigner. -You must have at least resided uninterruptedly in Brazil for more than 15 years (art. 12, II, b, CF 88). -the Brazilian government cannot deny the concession of this type of naturalization. Special Naturalization (art. 68, law 13445/17) -For foreigners who have spent at least ten uninterrupted years serving in a Brazilian diplomatic mission or consular office OR -Being married to a Brazilian diplomat for more than five years. Temporary Naturalization (art. 70, law 13445/17) -the Brazilian State cannot deny the concession of this type of naturalization. -It is also offered to foreigners who arrived in Brazil when they were less than 10 years old and have remained residing in the country. -The naturalization will be converted into definitive if the naturalized person expressly requests it within 2 (two) years after reaching the age of 18.
- 5 Tips for an organized home office
1-Choose a specific place to work, and only to work Working at home is especially difficult due tothe lack of space, distractions and the mix between our work and our daily routine (sleep, meals, free time). Finding a specific place to study or work will help you to keep your things organized, to associate this space with your work and to feel more motivated. 2-It's okay to ask for help! Everyone is dealing with new challenges and obstacles right now. Don't be embarrassed to ask for help because cooperation is a great way to solve problems, overcome challenges and to not get overwhelmed with work. 3-Planning is essential and will avoid stress and unnecessary expenses Planning also means analyzing what it's necessary to accomplish your activities and tasks so that you can work effectively without wasting much time and stress. A Planner is a great way to manage your week and not forget deadlines. 4-Remember to take small breaks everyday. Don't forget to take small breaks during the day! Small breaks are important to rest our body, eat and refresh our thoughts so we can see what we've been working on from a different perspective and can have new ideas. A break is also a great time to plan the next hours of your day. 5-Keep your desktop clean and organized An organized desktop will help you stay concentrated and motivated while preventing you from losing important papers and work tools.Also, keeping it clean will avoid dust from gathering andyou will have you more space once you get rid ofold papers and empty coffee mugs.
- Do you need help? Você precisa de ajuda?
Personal/Business assistance. Assistência pessoal e de negócios. Our personal/business assistance offers a variety of services to help you and your company grow, get known and profit, including: The creation of art and text for social media and advertisements, the management of social media accounts, the representation of your brand in events and fairs, the communication with your clients and partners, the arragement of meeting with high potential clients and much more. Nossa assistência pessoal e de negócios oferece uma variedade de serviços para auxiliar você e seu negócio, incluindo: A criação de arte e texto para redes sociais e anúncios, o gerenciamento de contas em redes sociais, a comunicação com seus clientes e parceiros, a organização de reuniões com clientes de alto potencial e muito mais.
- Cidadania brasileira
Para brasileiros natos, naturalizados e estrangeiros de acordo com a Constituição Federal Brasileira. ---Se você nasceu no Brasil... -...você será considerado um brasileiro nato mesmo se tiver pais estrangeiros, desde que nenhum deles esteja a serviço de seus respectivos países. (art. 12, I, a) ---Se você nasceu fora do Brasil... -... você será considerado brasileiro nato desde que você tenha nascido de um pai ou mãe brasileiros, desde que você tenha sido registrado com uma autoridade brasileira competente or tenha se mudado para o Brasil, e tenha optado pela nacionalidade brasileira a qualquer tempo após ter atingido a maioridade. (art. 12, I, c) -...você também será considerado brasileiro nato se você nasceu no estrangeiro de pai ou mãe brasileiros, desde que qualquer um deles esteja a serviço do Brasil. (art 12, I, b) ---Se você vem de um país cuja língua oficial é o português... -O único requerimento para pessoas originárias de países que falam português é residir por um ano ininterrupto no Brazil e ter idoneidade moral. (art 12, II, a) -Aos portugueses com residência permanente no país, se houver reciprocidade em favor de brasileiros, serão atribuídos os direitos inerentes ao brasileiros, salvo os casos previstos nesta Constituição. (art 12, parágrafo 1) ---Outros casos: -Estrangeiros de qualquer nacionalidade podem adquirir a cidadania brasileira após residirem por quinze anos ininterruptos e não possuirem condenações penais, desde que eles requeiram a nacionalidade brasileira.(art. 12, II, b)
- Brazilian citizenship
For Brazilians by birth, naturalized and foreigners according to the Brazilian Federal Constitution. ---If you were born in Brazil... -You are considered a Brazilian by birth even if you have foreign parents, provided that they are not at the service of their country. (article 12, I, a) ---If you were born abroad... are considered a Brazilian by birth as long as you were born to a brazilian mother or father, provided that you were registered with a competent Brazilian authority, or came to reside in Brazil's territory, and opted for the Brazilian nationality at any time after reaching majority. (article 12, I, c) will also be considered a Brazilian by birth if you were born abroad of a Brazilian father or a Brazilian mother, provided that either of them was at the service of the Federative Republic of Brazil. (article 12, I, b) ---If you are from a Portuguese-speaking country... -The only requirement for citizenship for persons originating from Portuguese-speaking countries is the residence for one uninterrupted year and good moral repute. (article 12, II, a) -The rights inherent to Brazilians shall be attributed to Portuguese citizens with permanent residence in Brazil, if there is reciprocity in favour of Brazilians, except in the cases stated in this Constitution.(article 12, paragraph 1) ---Other cases: -Foreigners of any nationality, resident in the Federative Republic of Brazil for over fifteen uninterrupted years and without criminal conviction, provided that they apply for the Brazilian nationality. (article 12, II, b)
- Self-cleaning mask can kill viruses with heat from phone charger
References: REUTERS, Self-Cleaning Mask Can Kill Viruses With Heat From Phone Charger, Researchers Say. New York Times: New York, 17/06/2020. Available in: Israeli researchers from the University of Haifa, in Israel, created a reusable face mas that kill the covid virus with heat by drawing power from a mobile phone charger. According to the leader of the research team and professor Yair Ein-Eli, "the new mask has an USB port that connects to a power source as a standard cellphone charger that heats an inner layer of carbon fibres to 70 degredes Celsius (158 degredes Fahrenheit), High enough to kill viruses. The disinfecting process takes about 30 minutes and users should not wear the mas while it is plugged in." The prototype face mas looks like a regular face mas and can be reheated up to 20 times, each for half an hour without being damaged. The objective was to create a non-disposable face mas that would be efficient and self cleaning. According to professor Yair Ein-Eli, "disposable masks, in high demand globally during the Health crisis, were not economically or environmentally friendly. You have to make it reusable and friendly and this is our solution."
- Quick introduction to International Relations: Importance, history and carreer
The rich and complex field of International Relations is necessary to promote successful trade policies between nations, to allow them to cooperate with one another, pool resources and share information. as a way to face global issues that go beyond any particular country or region. International Relations (IR) also encourages travel related to business, tourism and immigration, providing people with opportunities and advancing human culture through cultural exchange, diplomacy and policy development. Although globalization and our increasingly interconnected world have changed the perspective of IR, it is by no means a modern subject. Its earliest form was through the establishment of treaties between nations. IR became more popular in the 20th century when it started to be seen as a separated field with interdisciplinary subjects, gaining more relevante with the studies of war and peace and with its global and intercultural perspective. International Relations permeates nearly every aspect of our globalized world. The difference lies in the the specific functions of internationalists who can represent an institution, act as diplomats, start their own business or NGO, and so forth. Internationalists can pursue a career in the public, private or non profit sector. In other words, the field is not restricted to diplomacy because private companies and institutions need profissionals with an understanding of the dynamics between governments, corporations, industries and people from different cultures and nations. #internationalrelations #relaçõesinternacionais #Brazil #adamaconsultoria #diplomacy
- Our company's policy to avoid the spread of the coronavirus
In view of the increase in confirmed and suspected cases of coronavirus in Brazil and abroad, in addition to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (OMS), we will be temporalily providing our services online. We thank you for your understanding and count on the help of everyone to stop the progress of this desease. You can contact us via our instagram and facebook pages, website and phone number, wich are available everyday. Recommendations: wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose; cover your mouth with a clean tissue when sneezing, avoid traveling and leaving your Home and maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. #stayhome #healthfirst #avoidthespread